MSPhere update
September 8, 2010Hello all, I've been busy at work at MSPhere, seeing as I have a relatively short class week due to Labor Day and Rosh Hashanah. So in between my light homework load, I've been coding a bit. Here's what I have so far, and what I have left to do before I feel it's fit for an initial release.
"Completed": (I use the term lightly, it's subject to change at a moment's notice)
- MSPhere core lib
- Digital I/O module
- shiftOut() function for dealing with SPI, in the Advanced I/O module.
- Math module
- resistorMode() function for controlling internal pullup/down resistors
To be implemented before initial release:
- functions for setting various LPMs
- interrupt helper functions
- timer/clock functions
- delay() function, ala Arduino
- pulseIn()... possibly
What will NOT be included in the initial release: ADC functions, for sure. Nor will flash memory functions. Those will come at a later date.
I will also offer an MSPhere-ized version of my TLV5620lib mentioned in the previous post as an additional library in a separate download. I feel that this chip-specific library doesn't belong in the main library, but that it could be useful to some people working with the MSPhere framework, so I will have a collection of add-on libraries to go along with the main framework, with my TLV5620lib being the first.
That's the current status. So, yeah. It's coming soon-ish, but not too soon.
Thanks for reading!
Keep tweaking